Passenger Bus Carriers - Frequently Asked Questions

The Department of Public Safety regulates Motor Carriers of Passengers operating "for hire" within the State of Georgia. DPS does not regulated interstate motor carriers performing interstate trips. Carriers transporting passengers must obtain authority from the DPS prior to commencing intrastate operations. There are two types of passenger carriers: those that offer charter service and assess charges based on the vehicle, and those that charge for each passenger on an individual basis. In order to assist you with determining what type authority you need, below is a list of frequently asked questions.

Q1. What application do I complete to apply to transport passengers for hire?
A. To conduct the intrastate transportation of passengers, an application for a Passenger Carrier Certificate must be completed and approved.
Q2. How long does it take to obtain authority to transport passengers for hire?
A. Passenger Carrier Certificate (Application DPS TR0007): 6-8 weeks
Q3. Are my vehicles required to be inspected by a Georgia Department of Public Safety, MCCD law enforcement officer?
A. Yes. Each vehicle utilized in passenger carrier service must be inspected by Department of Public Safety. It is the duty of the motor carrier to schedule these inspections by contacting MCCD, Regulations Compliance at 404-624-7244. This is also an annual requirement, whereas all motor carriers possessing a Certificate issued by DPS must have their vehicles inspected yearly by the Department of Public Safety. It is the duty of the motor carrier to schedule these inspections by contacting MCCD Regulations Compliance at 404-624-7244.
Q4. What is the definition of a Charter Service?
A. Transportation using a shuttle, bus or motor coach, of a group of persons who pursuant to common purpose, under a single contract, at a fixed charge for the motor vehicle, have acquired the exclusive use of the motor vehicle to travel together under an itinerary either specified in advance or modified after having left the place of origin.
Q5. Does the charter transportation of passengers require a Certificate or a Permit?
A. Yes, the charter transportation of passengers requires a Certificate before commencing operations. The Passenger Certificate application is on our website at; choose Form DPS TR0007. Also, you are required to file a Tariff with the Department; See the “Sample Passenger Tariff” form on our website
Q6. Do I need a Certificate to operate a shuttle service and charge by the person (per capita)?
A. Such an operation requires that the motor carrier possess a Passenger Certificate issued by the Georgia Department of Public Safety. The Passenger Certificate Application is on our website at Choose Form DPS TR0007. Also, you are required to file a Passenger Tariff with the Department; See the “Sample Passenger Tariff” form on our website.
Q7. What if I want to conduct both Charter and Shuttle service operations?
A. You must possess a Passenger Certificate from the Department before commencing operations. Form is located on our website at
Q8. Do I need a “Chauffer Endorsement” to operate a bus legally?
A. No. A “Chauffer’s Endorsement" is required for limousine carrier operations only. However, If you plan to operate a bus designed to seat more than 15 passengers, you need a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) with a Passenger (P) Endorsement.
Q9. How do I file a complaint on a Passenger Carrier?
A. You can call us direct at the below telephone numbers, or you can go to our website at and download our Passenger Carrier Complaint Form. Said form can then be faxed to us at: 404-624-7244.
If you have additional questions, please contact us.